
November 3, 2014 A Week Full of Illnesses and Miracles

Hey yáll. 

That´s the brazillian keyboard version of y´all. I think I like it better the other way. haha

So the remainder of this past week has been interesting. And by interesting I mean full of illnesses and miracles.

About illnesses- basically this entire week I´ve gotten sick every day. It´s pretty frustrating. I´m going all good in the hood in the morning, go to lunch, and then BAM! as soon as 2 o´clock hits I feel like I´ve been hit by an onibûs. I don´t know why or what happened, so I basically just slept it off. You´re probably thinking, "You crazy little thing, just go to the doctor!" Well, well, well. I would. Except that the doctors here are horrible. Like I´ve heard a lot of horror stories. So you can´t pay me enough to go to that doctor. When I go to Natal for the mission leadership conference I´ll go to the doctor. But for now a priesthood blessing is doing quite the trick. Hurrah for the power and authority of God being restored on the earth!! Whoohhooooooo!

So. Because of this whole wierd sickness junk, working on our area has been a bit rough. We started out Friday with one lesson with a member present, one other lesson and no new investigators. The standard of excellence for our mission is 10 member presents, 15 others and 10 new investigators per week. So we basically had our work cut out for us. Lots to do, little time. But you know what happened?  A MIRACLE! We made all of these goals and then some!  I don´t know how but Friday and Saturday we worked our little buns off and preached the gospel like Paul the Apostle. (because who doesn´t like him?? I mean... except the romans...) 

And the miracles just kept coming! Because Franciele and Marlon got baptized! So here´s the story with them. About three weeks ago, we had just left an appointment and were walking down the street when a lady inside a house called for us. Every once in a while people yell at us when we´re in the street to come and talk to them, so it´s not exactly out of the ordinary. So we went over to the house and the woman was like, "hey! When doesn church start? I was baptized a long time ago, I´m not active, and I really want to come back." And we´re like "8:30! Be there or be square! Hey- can we come teach your family?" And of course she said yes. Went there, discovered she has a son and a daughter that haven´t been baptized. We just asked them if they wanted to be baptized and were like "YEAHHH!" We taught them, they went to church, and were baptized. It was so cool how it all went down! It´s interesting how sometimes it feels like we have to fight against everything and everyone to help someone get baptized. You know, the adversary. But other times it´s just like things just click into place. Franciele is 13 and she´s already hit it off with the young women in the ward. I´m just such a happy camper to see that happen this week! I mean, clearly there wasn´t a lot that we did (with the sickness and all), but the Lord did all the heavy lifting. He was just preparing and preparing this family to return, or join, his fold. It´s so evident to me that there are many people around us that are calling out for the gospel. Some people are like Simone (Mama Bear) and actually shout for help, but others are praying and waiting for a miracle that only the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has to offer. It´s our responsibility to keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to step up and help not just when someone blatantly asks, but when the Spirit directs.

This is Christ´s Church and it´s Him that governs this work! We can be His hands on the earth and help bring salvation to God´s children. How amazing is that?!!

Well folks, time´s up. Preach that gospel! 

Remember who you are and what you stand for!

Sister Baker

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