
November 18, 2013 Aloha!


(You know, changing it up a bit. Keeping it interesting)

So this week has been awesome!! Like awesome possum awesome. 

I'll give you the lowdown.

So Tuesday we had our lesson with W, the golden investigator. Sister W(member) came with us and she didn't really understand why we looooove teaching Wso much until she came with us. W is SO prepared. AH! I love it! We taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ and she just gets it. It's like all the wheels are finally turning for her and it's all starting to make sense. She's really been praying to know the Book of Mormon is true, and I think she knows how big of a deal that will be when she knows. So as we walked out of the lesson Sister W was like, "wow. now I know why you love her so much." Haha. Yeah buddy! I'm not sure if I already said this, but W's inlaws are all anti and even though she knows a ton of people in the ward no one expected us to be teaching her. It's like jaws dropped when we mentioned her name in ward council. Just goes to show that you can't rule anyone out. Who are we to say that the Lord hasn't prepared someone to receive His gospel? And who are we to say that they can't change their lives? We're merely the instruments in the Lord's hands, and this is His work! Boom. 

Alright. Saddest moment of the week. Remember the investigator D from last week? Well she didn't answer the door for our appointment, didn't come to church, or the holiday dinner. Weird. So we went by to talk to her. Her fiance answered the door and told us that she had made a mistake. She didn't know we were Mormons and they're devout Catholics. Umm... Ok ... I call your bluff. She wasn't home to talk to, but we're going to try to talk to her face to face. She told us that they we're looking for a church, gave her a Book of Mormon, and told her that Mormons and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are the same thing. Yeah. Super fishy. 

We also had a lesson with R and L,  the cute old couple. Apparently I lost about 4 years within the period of a week because R told me that I'm 15. Bah humbug. 

On Thursday we had dinner with the B family.  Goodness gracious I love them! They're a retired couple and they recently got back from serving a mission in Canada. Sister B is the seminary teacher and knows SO MUCH about the second coming. I just like the sit there and have her teach me. They're awesome! Then that night we stopped by headquarters for a potty break before our last lesson. I looked at the phone and lo and behold, a missed call and text message from President Samuelian. WHAT?!! He said to call him back when we got his message and asked if I knew anything about my visa. I thought maybe he heard about the mini-prank I pulled on you from last week or something. So I call him and he asks about my visa, and I tell him that I haven't heard anything. He thinks I'll probably spend Christmas here in Oregon (one more transfer). Sounds good to me, I like it here! Then he started asking about where we live, the members we live with, etc. I told him it was all great, then he tells us it's a possibility that we could both be training a new missionary next transfer! It's still in the works and he's trying to figure out where everyone is going, but it's possible. I found out yesterday that there are a lot more missionaries coming in this transfer. Like our mission is going up to over 200 missionaries! As far as I know, we have about 140. So we'll see what happens!!
Friday was SUPERB! That morning we woke up at o dark thirty to issue a challenge to the seminary students. We challenged them all the pray from someone to give a Book of Mormon to, and a way to hang out a Mormon.org pass along card within the next two weeks. We want to get the youth excited and engaged in missionary work! They had just finished learning about the allegory in Jacob 5, so we talked about how we're the last laborers in the vineyard. Super powerful. After that we jetted off to Salem for ZONE CONFERENCEEEEE! It was basically a spiritual smackdown from 9-5. I loved it! President and Sister Samuelian spoke. Nuff said right there. 

So that night we had exchanges too. After Zone Conference, Sister J stayed in Salem with two other sisters (they were in a trio), and Sister S came with me here to Sweet Home. That was so fun. She's a great missionary and has been out as long as I have. We had a lot of fun together. \

Yesterday we feasted spiritually and temporally. Let me give you the breakdown. 

We were at church until about 1:45.
2:00 Lunch at the F house. Which included pie
3:30 Lesson with D  (which went very well! he's progressing!) He's been telling us about how he makes these awesome pies, so he worked off and on the past few days to make us a lemon meringue pie. Who could refuse that?! It was the best lemon meringue pie I've ever had. Definitely getting the recipe.
5:00 Dinner with Sister B. Which included brownies and ice cream.

With that being said, diet starts today! Haha not really. How can I tell members not to give me delicious food when they sacrificed their time and money to make it?! I'm just banking on a tapeworm in Brazil. (Just kidding mom.)

Well that's pretty much what's been happening in Sweet Home, Oregon! We have a zone p-day today at the stake center. Volleyball, capture the flag, the works. I'll try to take pictures :)

Have a great week! Share a Mormon Message on Facebook! Find the one! Remember who you are and what you stand for!

Sister Baker

ps. I realized this week that I like to narrate what I'm doing in song form. That is all. 

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