Working at a Food Drive in Oregon |
We got an email from a wonderful lady who lives in Oregon. She sent us this picture of Katie and her companions. She wrote this email to each family about these three missionaries. I love her!
Your daughters are all serving in my ward in Oregon. We had a day of service yesterday where our ward
collected food for the County food bank. They could not go out and collect food, but they were at the drop off
place and helped fill the tote with food. Our ward collected 850 pounds to contribute to the Stake total of 17,000
pounds. They had a great time visiting and helping.
We are grateful to each of you for sharing your daughters. We love having the Sisters in our Ward.
They are doing great things in our Ward.
I don't have children, but have had enough friends over the years who have had children serve missions
and I know how excited they are to get pictures of their missionaries....so just wanted to
share with you what they were up to yesterday morning.
Kathy Lazott
So this is what has been going on: a whole lot of awesomeness! We stay busy and it's great!
Wednesday: We did a lot of contacting with less actives and recent
converts. Then that night we went to this Relief Society service
auction. Between the three of us, we ended up scoring big time! I got
this huge basket of apples and like 10 homemade cinnamon
rolls, then the other sisters got loaves of bread and a
pie. And members of the ward give us food all the time. So it's awesome.
Thursday: We did a lot of tracting and it just so happened to be
the hottest day of the year or something. Around a hundred degrees. We
were only outside for short bursts so it was ok, but still hot. I just
kept thinking to myself, "this isn't that bad!"
You know, I have to keep it all in perspective. We visited this
investigator named J, who is really cool. But he goes off on
tangents all the time.
Then we did weekly planning, which took forever. Mostly because I
had no idea what was going on. I met the neighbor's kids & gave them
some of the chocolates that Kaleena McKell gave me. They have scripture
quotes on them, so I told them about the Book
of Mormon and Christ and all sorts of cool stuff. They're cute kids. We
also have dinner at members' houses every night, which is really fun.
It's nice to actually get to know the members too. And Sister T and H said whenever they ask me to say a
prayer I can do it in Portuguese. They're helping me practice and keep
up as much as I can.
Friday: I went to my first zone conference, which was fun. They
asked me to say the opening prayer on the spot, so I just did it in
Portuguese. I think I might have freaked everyone out for a bit,
because afterwards the zone leaders explained that I'm
waiting for my visa and whatnot. Then after the meeting I had to pass
off a few memorizations and role plays. It wasn't hard at all, but the
other sisters there were struggling a little bit. I guess it's just
because I've had 4 more weeks of practice than
they have. The zone leaders were pretty impressed with me (which
definitely made me feel good) and said they didn't have any critiques!
That was surprising. But I'm also working on memorizing everything in
English and Portuguese. Afterwards we did some more
contacting and went to the house of a member's daughter. We talked to
them for a while and the mom agreed to let us teach her. Sister T
said when she first got here, she would have never thought she
would teach that family. So awesome!
Saturday: In the morning we helped out with a community food drive.
Since we weren't allowed to go door to door with our name tags on, we
stayed at the collection station and helped load food into this huge
cardboard box. Sister T even jumped in there
a few times. She's a hoot.
I'm supposed to be doing four hours of study a day (personal,
companion, training, and language), but it's hard to get it done because
of all of our appointments! I've ended up doing language study stuff in
the car on the way to and from appointments,
but it's still hard to get it all in.
Sunday: We had two of our investigators come to church, which was
awesome! One is from a part-member/less active family, and the other is
getting baptized in a few weeks. We asked L (the one getting
baptized) how she felt after church. She said she
felt at home, really peaceful, and kind of like deja vu. So cool! We've
also got almost our entire week planned out down to the hour! We're
trying to get more members at lessons, go on splits, and things like
that. So this week is going to be crazy busy!
Today we got to go shopping! A sister in our ward drove us
to a shopping center and we got to go to TARGET! It was great. I got a
rainjacket. I figure it's already getting pretty drizzly, and I'll
probably want one when I get back for BYU, so I got one. It's
gray and super cute. After this I'm planning on going home and taking a
nap! I'm so excited!!!
1. Is it getting cold there yet? Not too bad. It's mostly really nice outside. When it gets breezy, I put on a cardigan.
2. Have you had any great teaching experiences? Umm. We haven't taught
very many formal, sit down lessons. We mostly stop by people's houses,
see how they're doing, and share a message because they either don't
want to come to church or are getting back into
coming to church. So we're just there to let them know they're loved.
3. What kind of service have you done this week? We helped move wood at
a member's home. The mom is a member, but the dad isn't. They live
out in the country on a farm. She's pretty much the pioneer woman.
4. Who are the missionaries in your district? I really don't know. I
only know my companions and my district leader, Elder M.
5. Do you have mostly Elders or is it pretty even with sisters? At the
zone meeting, there were about 8 sisters and twice as many elders. I'm
not sure how that compares with the rest of the mission, though.
6. Do you get to go watch the General Relief Society Broadcast on
September 29th? I think so. I heard about it, so we're probably going to
invite our investigators.
7. What is your apartment like? Any pictures? I haven't taken any
pictures yet, but I have a bunch from the MTC that I'm trying to attach.
8. What do you do on P-Day? Email, laundry, clean, wash the car, shop, sleep. That's about it. Oh, and study. A lot.
9. How's your Portuguese study coming? Ehh. It's ok. It would be better
if I was in Brazil, of course. But I do what I can. I pray aloud almost
entirely in Portuguese.
10. What was the best thing that happened this week? The B family letting us come teach them!
11. Did anything funny happen this week? Funny stuff happens all the
time, but nothing in particular. We played ninja last night at the Allen
home. It's good to know there are other ninja-loving families out
12. Do you have any questions for us? I want to know what everyone is up to!!
13. How often do new missionaries enter your mission? Every six weeks? I'm not exactly sure.
14. Do you need anything? Just love! Oh! Some healthy snacks would be
awesome! I feel like I'm always so crunched for time when we go
shopping, and never pick out snacks. And I LOVE my shampoo bar. I bet
I say that every week, but it rocks. If you feel inclined
to send another one, I wouldn't mind :)
15. Have you heard of any other visa waiters besides for Brazil in your
mission there in Oregon? Nope. I don't get much news about anything.
Well I've got to go. But I love you! Happy late birthday Colin!!!
Peace & blessins!
Sister Baker